Monday, October 30, 2006

Azeri Turk Genetic Chart

  • The Following report shows that Azeris from North, Azeris in Iran and Anatolian Turks show a similar DNA or gene markers. "Iranian" means Azeri Turk. Persians are not related to Azeris and is not listed here. "Iranian" is listed next to Turkey. The only ones in Iran who are related to Anatolian Turks are Azeri Turks. It is very clear that Persians are not related to Anatolian Turks. There is another genetic chart of Persians in Eastern Iran which relates Persians to Europeans. Also Kurds and Caspian is separated from Iranian. It also confirms that Iranian means Azeri Turks.

    University of Chicago Report: Iranian peoples

    Populations located west of the Indus basin, including those from Iran, Anatolia and the Caucasus, exhibit a common mtDNA lineage composition, consisting mainly of western Eurasian lineages, with a very limited contribution from South Asia and eastern Eurasia (fig. 1). Indeed, the different Iranian populations show a striking degree of homogeneity. This is revealed not only by the nonsignificant FST values and the PC plot (fig. 6) but also by the SAMOVA results, in which a significant genetic barrier separates populations west of Pakistan from those east and north of the Indus Valley (results not shown). These observations suggest either a common origin of modern Iranian populations and/or extensive levels of gene flow amongst them.


Unknown said...

At last I don't understand Azeriturks ! are semit ( med ) or Armenoid ( dinaricalpihn ) or mongol or not mongol or oghuzturk or not turkaman or caucasus or khazar
stupid oslonor ( oslonordic : oslokooni )

Unknown said...

I can draw chart similar it because there are not studying about Azaris genetic .
That chart is of your monkey friends of jews and donkey yankys .

Unknown said...

due to that chart Lebaneses and Druses and even jordanian and Assyrian , Iragis , Kurds , Caspians and svani georgian are TURKs !!?

Anonymous said...

I really like your blog and i really appreciate the excellent quality content you are posting here for free for your online readers. thanks peace claudia.

Anonymous said...

You are really stupid, The persians have never been blonde or green or blue eyed like you are trying to describe. You are trying to connect iranians with Nazi Hitlers aryan ideologi! Azeri turks have been proven to belong to the same halogroup as the kurds! how do you explain the saffavids being of kurdish origin but are descrieb in history books as Turks? , how do you explain that Kurds and azeris belonging to the same halogroup? There were and language before the turks arrived to the region 900 years ago, called Old azari/Adhari!!1 What i know is that kurds are far more homogeniusly than persians! I bet your wife is a real turk!! That is were all the hate come from, like som say hitler were a jew!! You are always gona be White ahhaah your biggest dream is to be an iranian!! Din dumme jävel åk hem till norge igen fyfan!! I recommend your wife to test her father and mother on Y-kromosom and mtdna to se were she desend from! I bet shes not even full iranian!!

Anonymous said...

he said iranian in this chart mean iranian turks who live in southern azerbaijan NOT PERSIANS, and the chart is quite reasonable and predictable. persians look like arabs.

niutral said...

مرتیکه خر فاشیست ایرانی حالا ادم شدین دارین از نزاد حرف میزنی کیری کیرم تو فک و فیستون فارس های کس کش.شماکهکورشتون به مادرش تجاوز کرده بچه دار شده چه انتظار میشه داشت یا اون فردوسی گی و لواط کارتون.